Monday, March 13, 2017


This week was pretty good. We saw some great miracles and I tried a lot of new things!

We had an activity Friday night in which we watched Meet the Mormons and had popcorn and treats. All the members were supposed to bring a non-member friend (in which we could then teach...) One of the converso recientes brought a lot of his friends! Two of them told us they wanted to get baptized....thats right. They ALREADY want to be baptized. They're both 13 years old, Alejandro and Justin. They both came to church yesterday and we have citas with them this week! They already have a lot of friends in the church, so this is going to be really good :) The activity was really good. It was supposed to start at 7, but with "dominican time" we started at 8. haha 

So you know how I said last week that we needed to have 70 people in church to stay a branch? Yeah....we HAD 77! WHOOO! Everyone could hardly fit in the room that we hold sacrament meeting! There were tons of menos activos and we had investigators too! Overall a pretty dang good sacrament meeting and church!

We had consejo de rama yesterday also, and these people are CRAZY! haha Already love all of them! They're all yelling and getting fiesty about chruch things. Its awesome! 

Everyday for breakfast this past week I've been making papaya and banana smoothies. SOOOO GOOOOD. Its papaya, banana, carnation (evaporated milk...dominicans use carnation for literally EVERYTHING), "normal" milk (no milk here is from a cow) honey, and ice. UGH. IN LOVE.

One day we brought home our "harvest" of what investigators gave us (See photo) Zapote, lechosa (papaya), and mamon. Ive never had zapote before this week and tampoco mamon. They're interesting, but really good! We were talking about all the fruit and vegetables that I haven't tried yet with one of our investigators....THERE IS A TON. wow

Hna Chamu told me that I was talking in my sleep the other night. That's nothing new because my other companions told me i talk in my sleep, but what is different is this time I was TALKING IN SPANISH. Whaaaaaa haaha

I ate the BEST sancocho yesterday made my a member. We helped her make it, but I don't think i could ever make it as good as her. ugh. love sancocho.

The pictures are us in our area! Dirt roads, JUNGLE, TONS of it.

We ran into a guy that was wearing a Weber state t-shirt. I asked him if he knew where it was, he said no..haha oh well.

Hermana Lawrence

This video is right outside our house.  There are ALWAYS chickens clucking.  Its great background noise...haha!  It's kind of annoying.  I also fall asleep to the sound of chirping crickets every night.  It's awesome!

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