This week was great! Tuesday we had ELDER ANDERSEN come speaktous. I was literally in heaven! There were also a lot of other 70's and area authorities there that spoke to us as well. Spiritually amazing, and it's never bad when you have the opportunity to shake the hand of an apostle :) The meeting gave me a lot of animo to continue forth! Elder Andersen actually speaks really well in spanish. The parts where her really wanted to get his point aross, he spoke in english and had a translator, but when he was speaking in spanish, we all understood!
We went and taught Justin and Alejandro. It's really a miracle that their parents are so supportive. That's usually a difficulty here. They have baptismal dates for the 8th of April! Then, their friend Fraili came up to us and told us that he wanted to be baptized as well, so we went to go teach him and his grandma is SUPER supportive and super nice. It's literally a miracle. The three of them are going to get baptized together on the 8th :) They are golden investigators. They're literally always at the church playing basketball, helping out, hanging out.... Yesterday we took the three of them to the "Noche blanca" in the stake center so they could see the baptisms. On the drive back they were all yelling on the guagua "Soy Mormon!" Literally the best thing.
On saturday we went to Orquidia and Jairo. The hermanas have been teeaching them forever, but jairo never wanted to get married. Orquidia wanted to get baptized, but couldn't becasue they needed to get married. Finally
on Saturday he told us he wanted to get married and they have a baptisml date for 15of April! We made sancocho with her (it's actually pretty easy to make) I've gotten pretty good at peeling plantains. She told us that when we come back with our families we're going to make a HUCH batch of sancocho and dance bachata to Frank Reyes. Whoo!
Well, pretty good week. We're seeing really good things happening in this area. I have really felt the Saviors love this week. I know that when we are going through trials, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are always there to support us and carry us. They are always mindful of what we are going through. I love being a missionary and there is nothing else I would rather be doing right now!
Love you all!
Hermana Lawrence
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