But, really. This was one of the most stressful, exhausting, craziest, testimony-building, and rewarding weeks in my mission. I can't even begin to describe everything. Y'ALL DON'T EVEN KNOW! So first things first. Traslados: I am staying in my area and getting a new companion (another that doesn't speak english) Hna Stewart is also staying, but getting a new companion as well. I'm excited for another transfer! Yay! I'm really gonna miss the other two hnas, though. I truely love them!
and started going to a different church. So it is a miracle that she had that desire otra vez. But permission from her mom was still a desafió. Her mom is always working and never home, so we showed up late on Friday night to her house and her mom was there! The elders convinced the mom to let them do a baptismal interview. She passed (of course) and the mom FINALLY gave permission! AHHHHHH It might have taken a little (lot) of persuasion, and we might have bought pica pollo for the mom, but It was all for a good cause.
Edimar ad her brother, Ediel were our
investigators and we were about to drop them because they were never there for us to teach them, but they loved everything. They loved the church. But we went to them on Friday and they were like "we want to get baptized" so they had their interviews the same day and their mom, Mayri signed the papers! AND THEY got baptized too! SOOOO much went into these 3 baptisms and I am leaving so much out and I can't even tell you all my feelings and everything. AHHHHHHH And Mayri came to church on Sunday and she loved it and now she's going to be our next convert...even though she doesn't know it yet...haha
investigators and we were about to drop them because they were never there for us to teach them, but they loved everything. They loved the church. But we went to them on Friday and they were like "we want to get baptized" so they had their interviews the same day and their mom, Mayri signed the papers! AND THEY got baptized too! SOOOO much went into these 3 baptisms and I am leaving so much out and I can't even tell you all my feelings and everything. AHHHHHHH And Mayri came to church on Sunday and she loved it and now she's going to be our next convert...even though she doesn't know it yet...haha
The other two baptisms that the other Hermanas had were people that Hna Castillo and I found and gave the refrences to them. Maryanyeli is a friend to one of our investigators, Ariagna. We asked her if she wanted missionaries and she said yes, and now she is baptized too! She's the cutest little 11 year old ever!
AND RICHARD. I have always heard stories like this, but I never thought something like this could happen to me! So we got a reference from other missionaries that said: "Richard: Caille Puerto Rico con Caille Costa Rica en frente de un cosa de muebles." and thats it. no phone number. no last name. no exact address. So one day we were trying to find this Richard. It was extremely difficult. We were trying for like an hour asking everyone in the streets, in colmados, EVERYONE. And no one knew anything. Really frustrating. So we decided to ask one more person. He told us to ask this guy that washes cars in our area because he knows everyone. So we went and he was washing this car. We asked him and he didn't know anyone. Ugh. BUT then the guy that was having his car washed was like, "Who are you looking for?" and we told him. and his name was RICHARD. But not the richard on our reference because this Richard lives in a different place. We gave him a pass-along card and invited him to church. Didn't think much of it past that, only that we thought it was funny. (the location of the car wash is in front of a couch (mueble) place....) He came to church that Sunday! The Hnas started to teach him and he was SO good So interested. 9 days after the Hnas started teaching him, He was BAPTIZED (sunday) He was telling us that the day before we talked to him he was feeling that he needed more in his life. And then we talked to him, and now he is a member! To this day, we still have not found the Richard from our reference, but I am convinced that he doesn't exist. This is a referal from God.
WOW. Okay. I feel like those explanations are not sufficient, but we saw SOOOOOOOOOOOOO
many miracles and I can't even describe everthing. But definitly one of the most stressful weeks. A few tears might have been shed(from happiness and stress)....haha!
Today for P-Day we went to Los Tres Ojos. Its a really beautiful cave water thingy. They filmed part of Jurassic Park there too! SUPER pretty (and I got to wear my chacos...always a good day when that happens.)
Love, Hermana Lawrence
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