Thursday, January 5, 2017

Feliz Ano Nuevo!

I hope all of you had the happiest of New Years! Mine was incredible. On New years eve (saturday) we had a last minute meeting with President Corbitt and it was AMAZING. I learned so much and it was a great pump-up for us all. We have the promise that our mission will baptize 300 almas in the month of January, which is crazy, but it will happen with our fe excepcional! President Corbitt is really the best. Then in the night we went to a members house for dinner (weirdly enough, we had more invitations for new years eve dinner than we did christmas..) and we got to eat SANCOCHO!!!! AH! I have missed eating this wonderful soup! Then in the night, the other hnas came into our room at midnight and yelled FELIZ ANO NUEVO! and then they watched the crazy fireworks....I didn't hear any of I didn't wake up. So my new years eve was spent sleeping..haha I guess I was tired.

One morning when Hna Castillo and I went out, we saw 7 (Thats right, SEVEN) Jehova's Witnesses within like 5 minutes. They are everywhere! Luckly we have a message that is true so we need not fear!

One thing that we are supposed to do is hablar con todas (talk to everyone). Saturday morning we were walking in the street and decided to talk to this guy because we're supposed to talk to everyone, right. Usually we wouldn't have talked to him because he looked pretty sketchy, but hablar con todas! We invited him to church on sunday. HE CAME! Aye mi madre. Seriously a miracle! He even walked with some members he found on the way! Us 4 hnas gave talks in sacrament meeting about the plan of salvación and after the meeting we talked to him and he said he wanted to learn more! He had never heard of this before and he loved it! MILAGROS!
Sunday Dinner! :-(

Well, LOVE YOU ALL! The picture with popcorn is really funny because we got to the night on
sunday and realized we didn't have any food but popcorn (and a couple of almonds) haha. Luckily we found more food in our cupboards and made a fancy dinner of rice, tuna and hard boiled eggs. Oh, the life of a missonary. It's grand! (But really, i love it) Don't worry though. We went grocery shopping today! :)

Hermana Lawrence

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